Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Day 3 - John Wesley, Henry V and the Hereford Boat House

Preacher of the day is John Wesley and monarch of the day is Henry V.



Note to self: the next time I meet a local cyclist and he tells me that the route I have carefully planned goes over the steepest hill in the area, please listen to him. Yes, following a relatively easy start to the day which involved cycling over the Severn Bridge, within 10 miles I found myself on an exceptionally rigorous climb which was only ameliorated by the mewling of a pair of buzzards. I also spotted a bust of John Wesley, who did get about quite a lot.

Happy to say, within 20 miles or so the evil climbs were over and I could concentrate on getting through Hereford and onto Monmouth. The roads past Monmouth were lovely and the day seemed to flow past easily; the only sticky part was negotiating the endless ring road around Shrewsbury.

2nd note to self: avoiding going into shops in Hereford because the locals look very dodgy is not a good strategy if the plan is to refill water bottles somewhere out on the back lanes. It took me around 15 miles to find a post office that sold bottled water, and that was mainly populated by elderly alcoholics topping up their stocks of Strongbow cider.

The evening was rounded off in splendid fashion by a visit from one of my colleagues (thank you Richard, lovely to see you, hope the BBQ went well) and a steak dinner sitting outside, something I never thought I would be able to do on this ride. Wonderful.

Finally, film fans, in which film does Robert de Niro refer to the boat house in Hereford?

For the record, the doors of the Hereford Rowing Club are blue.

Mileage: 97.9



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