Monday, 21 July 2014

Day 2 - St Boniface

For those of you reading this of a monkish disposition, I thought that you might be interested to know that St Boniface (675-754) was supposedly born in Crediton, Devon. I only mentioned that because I cycled past a memorial to him today. If you want to take this further, may I suggest keeping 5 June free next year, as that is his feast day.

So how was today? Well the first 40  miles or so was marked by a succession of climbs, each more vicious than the last. The less charitable amongst you might point out that it was me who planned the route and therefore put the damned things in, so they should not have been that much of a surprise. My Wildean response is: you try and do better. Things did improve once I joined the A38, which for a few blissful miles was like having my own private dual carriageway, such was the lack of traffic. This continued all the way to Bridgewater and beyond, with glorious weather and a tailwind, and I was starting to feel that the day might be an easy one. I was wrong. The Mendips. The climb to Bristol Airport. Sense of humour failure big-time as those two bad boys had me in bottom gear with sweat blinding me. Excellent. Not.

Then a long sweeping run into Bristol, where my route cards (tech note: printed off and in the plastic case on my handlebar bar) indicated quite vaguely "north to cross river". That was never going to work, so I asked a fellow cyclist (stuck at the same lights) the best way to get to Clifton Down. Andy: thank you, you are a star for cycling with me all the way to the station and getting me back on track. I have forgiven you for including a 10% climb, you were not to know that I had 95 miles in my legs at point.

So, was that it for the hills? Could I just relax and soft pedal the remaining few miles to the pub? Like hell. the climbs just kept coming, with the final climb about a mile from the pub. Massive sense of humour failure after 103 miles, which was speedily relieved by two glasses of orange juice and lemonade and a couple of bags of crisps. Once shaved and showered, I sampled the local brew over a good steak dinner with Becky. Good effort. Job done. Now for Shrewsbury tomorrow, a mere 97 miles.

Mileage: 102.9

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